block hackers from hacking your phone

block hackers from hacking your phone

block hackers from hacking your phone

To prevent your phone from being hacked, do the following:

Can a phone be hacked while turned off?

The short answer is no, your phone cannot be hacked while it’s turned off. Phone hacking, even remotely, only works if the device being targeted is on.

That doesn’t mean you’re personally safe from hackers while your devices are off. Criminals could spoof your number, making calls from their own devices and pretending to be you to try and extract information or money from other targets. And if your phone had been jailbroken, whoever jailbroke the phone could (in theory) install malware that would activate when the device was switched back on.

Yet for all intents and purposes, you should be confident that your phone will not be hacked while it’s fully switch off.

Can hackers hack your phone by calling you?

No, not directly. A hacker can call you, pretending to be someone official, and so gain access to your personal details. Armed with that information, they could begin hacking your online accounts. But they can’t break into your phone’s software and modify it through phone calls alone.

However, that’s really a social engineering attack, rather than a direct phone hack. In real terms, phone calls themselves just don’t have the power to spread malware or give hackers access to your device.

Is there an app to see if my phone has been hacked?

There are apps that will improve your device security by notifying you of unusual activity, to ensure that you’re making use of basic security features like Screen Lock, Face/Touch ID and two-factor authentication (2FA).

Specialized spyware apps are also available; these programs can trawl your phone for hidden malware and help you identify hacks early.

Browsing privately with a VPN

Using a VPN will enhance your overall security and privacy.

NordVPN is an easy-to-use app designed for both novice and expert users. Not only does it provide you with top-notch encryption, but can also block suspicious ads and pop-ups, which are a common way to distribute malware. NordVPN offers an additional Threat Protection feature that helps you to identify malware-ridden files, stops you from landing on malicious websites, and blocks trackers and intrusive ads.

NordVPN also has the Kill Switch function, which will disconnect you from the web in case you lose a VPN connection. Moreover, a single NordVPN account allows you to protect up to 10 devices, so you could have your entire household protected.

If you’re looking to turn your smartphone into a fortress, a VPN service is the answer.

Understanding Phone Hacking

Phone hacking involves unauthorized access to your smartphone to retrieve personal information, track activities, or perform malicious activities. Hackers use various techniques to gain access, exploiting vulnerabilities in software, networks, and user behavior.

2. Common Methods Hackers Use to Access Phones


Hackers trick users into providing personal information through deceptive messages or emails.


Malicious software designed to infiltrate and compromise a phone’s security.

Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Hackers intercept communication between your phone and another device or network.

SIM Swapping

Hackers manipulate phone carriers to transfer your phone number to a new SIM card.

Social Engineering

Hackers deceive individuals into divulging confidential information through manipulation.

3. Essential Steps to Block Hackers

Using Strong Passwords and Authentication

Strong Passwords

  • Complexity: Use passwords with a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Length: Ensure passwords are at least 12 characters long.
  • Uniqueness: Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

  • Additional Security: Requires a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone or an authentication app.
  • Implementation: Enable 2FA on all accounts that support it.

Keeping Software Updated

Regular Updates

  • Operating System: Keep your phone’s OS updated to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Apps: Ensure all installed apps are regularly updated to the latest versions.

Avoiding Public Wi-Fi and Using VPNs

Public Wi-Fi Risks

  • Insecurity: Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured, making it easy for hackers to intercept data.

Using VPNs

  • Encryption: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet connection, protecting your data from prying eyes.
  • Reputable VPNs: Choose well-reviewed, reputable VPN services.

Installing Security Apps

Antivirus and Anti-Malware

  • Protection: Security apps can detect and remove malicious software.
  • Regular Scans: Schedule regular scans to ensure your phone is clean.

Firewall Apps

  • Network Security: Firewalls monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules.

Being Wary of Phishing Attacks

Email and Message Scams

  • Suspicious Links: Avoid clicking on links from unknown or suspicious sources.
  • Verification: Verify the authenticity of requests for personal information.

4. Advanced Security Measures

Encrypting Your Device

Data Protection

  • Encryption: Encrypting your phone ensures that data is unreadable without the decryption key.
  • Activation: Enable encryption in your phone’s security settings.

Using Secure Messaging Apps

End-to-End Encryption

  • Privacy: Apps like Signal and WhatsApp offer end-to-end encryption, ensuring only the communicating users can read the messages.

Setting Up Remote Wipe

Lost or Stolen Phones

  • Remote Access: Set up features like “Find My iPhone” or “Find My Device” to remotely erase data if your phone is lost or stolen.

Regularly Monitoring and Reviewing App Permissions

Privacy Settings

  • Permissions: Regularly review and adjust app permissions to limit access to sensitive information.

5. Recognizing Signs Your Phone Might Be Hacked

Unusual Activity

  • Strange Texts or Calls: Receiving unexpected messages or calls.
  • Unfamiliar Apps: Finding apps installed without your knowledge.

Battery Drain

  • Rapid Depletion: Increased battery usage can indicate malicious software running in the background.

Data Usage Spike

  • Unexplained Increases: Significant, unexplained spikes in data usage.

Slow Performance

  • Lagging: Unusual slowdowns in your phone’s performance.

6. Immediate Actions If Your Phone Is Hacked

Disconnect from the Internet

  • Prevent Data Transmission: Turn off Wi-Fi and mobile data immediately.

Change Passwords

  • Update Credentials: Change passwords for all accounts accessed from your phone.

Scan for Malware

  • Use Security Software: Run a thorough scan using antivirus or anti-malware apps.

Reset Your Phone

  • Factory Reset: Perform a factory reset to remove any installed malware (backup important data first).

Notify Relevant Parties

  • Inform Contacts: Let your contacts know about the potential breach.
  • Contact Authorities: Report the incident to law enforcement or your phone carrier.

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